Career Opportunities

The Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science provides a variety of career resources to students and graduates, including networking events, internships, alumni insights, job postings, and much more. Additionally, the KU Career Center offers many resources on exploring career fields, career building, resume writing, mock interviews, job and internship fairs, and more.The Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science Professional Network provides information and connections with alumni and business professionals.


A major in geography may lead to a career in cartography, environmental analysis, GIS, physical geography, regional analysis, urban and regional planning, or to employment that requires some combination of geographic sub-fields. Explore the KU Career Center's resources for geography. 

Atmospheric Science

A major in Atmospheric Science may lead to careers in weather forecasting, environmental consulting, and air pollution specialists. Explore the KU Career Center's resources for atmospheric science

More general information, including job growth outlook, salaries, etc., is available at Department of Labor and the American Association of Geographers (AAG), which also lists current job openings.

For more information about particular career and job opportunities, internship opportunities, choosing a career, your suitability for a particular career, and more, students can contact:

University Career Center

Summerfield Hall, Room 206

1300 Sunnyside Ave.

University of Kansas


When students have narrowed their career options, they may also contact faculty about counseling on careers in specific fields. Below are listed faculty contacts for some possible career choices:

Atmospheric Science:

Geoinformatics (GIS & Cartography):

Human and Cultural Geography:

Physical and Environmental Geography:

Regional Geography and Area Studies:

Remote Sensing/Environmental

and Land Use Analysis: