Labs and Resources

Departmental Facilities for Education and Research

The department, located in Lindley Hall on the Lawrence campus, has a broad range of computing resources available for faculty and students. All classrooms and offices have internet access and most classrooms are multimedia ready.

Students have 24-hour access to departmental computing facilities.  Lindley 310 contains twenty-three Dell Optiplex dual core systems installed with the Windows 7 enterprise operating system.  Lindley 405, the Atmospheric Science program Meteorology and Climate Hub (MACH), contains two Dell Optiplex dual core systems installed with the Windows 7 enterprise operating system and ten quad core systems installed with RedHat Linux.  Within Lindley 310, one system is a dedicated instructional workstation connected to the room’s LCD projector while twenty-two systems are for general GIS and image-processing instruction with accessibility to large format scanners and a multifunction device that can scan to PDF, print black and white or print color.  The ten RedHat LINUX Dell quad core computers in the MACH lab are running meteorological software packages such as Integrated Data Viewer, GEMPAK and McIdas.  The two Windows systems within the MACH lab assist student weather forecasters to prepare university radio (KJHK 90.7 FM) and television (KUJH-TV) weather reports.  Black and white and color printers are also available in the MACH lab.

Other instructional classrooms for practicums in Atmospheric Science and Geography have dedicated Dell Optiplex or Dell Latitude systems installed with Windows 7 enterprise to compliment the document viewers and LCD projectors installed in the classrooms.

All Windows computers in department labs are equipped with Office 2010, EndNote 16, SPSS 2x.x, ArcGIS 10.x, Erdas Imagine 20B, ENVI 5.x, eCognition 8.x, MatLab and R. The Lindley 310 computer lab software suite includes Adobe CS 5.5 Design Standard.

In addition to computing facilities, the department has well-equipped laboratories for students working in traditional cartographic production, soils/geomorphology, palynology, and climatology/atmospheric science. The department has easy access to extensive map collections at the Spencer Research Library and the university map library.