Colloquium Series

Join us for our weekly Geography & Atmospheric Science Colloquium, scheduled at 3:30 PM on Fridays. All in-person presentations will be held in Malott Hall Room 1001. Refreshments are served at 3:00 PM in Malott Hall Room 3022. All dates are subject to change

Spring 2025 Schedule

1/31  Jarron Saint-Onge (KU Dept of Sociology and Population Health): "A sociological Interpretation of Context on Health Lifestyles"

2/7  No Colloquium 

2/14  Alexander Diener (KU Dept of Geography and Atmospheric Science): “Central Asian Borders as Levers of Diplomacy and Para-Diplomacy”

2/21  Ryan Clasby (Spencer Museum of Art): "Beneath the Canopy? Reconstructing 10,000 Years of Anthropogenic Landscape and Cultural Development in the Amazon Rainforest."

2/28  Nate Brunsell (KU Dept of Geography and Atmospheric Science: Title TBD

3/7   AAG Practice talks and panel discussion

  • Andrew Frederick: "Making Masa in a Place-Based Way: Relationality, Maize, and the Local Food Movement"
  • David Weiss: "Setting the Stage for the Future of Flood Mapping in Kansas"

3/14  AAG Practice Talks and panel discussion

  • Nate Blum: "Cultivating Care as a Foundation for Development: A Case Study in the Kaqchikel Highlands of Guatemala"
  • Hazlett Henderson: "Scarcity and risk: The indoor ecologies of 'Hoarders'"
  • Ruth Remmers: "Tourism in Russia's Altai Repu7blic: Indigenous Perceptions"
  • Christabel Tsoto: "Parental migration and the well-being of children left behind in Harare, Zimbabwe"

3/21  No colloquium. Spring Break

4/4  Peter Herlihy (KU Dept of Geography and Atmospheric Science): Title TBD

4/11  Cap McLiney (KU Geography Graduate Student): Title TBD

4/18  Kip Nielsen (KU Atmospheric Science Graduate Student): Title TBD

4/25  Dave Mechem (KU Dept of Geography and Atmospheric Science): Title TBD

5/2  Hank Robinson (Executive Director, Full Value Agriculture Initiative, AKSARBEN Foundation, Omaha)