David A. Rahn

- Associate Professor
- Director of Graduate Studies
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Malott Hall #3021
Personal Links
Research —
My research areas reflect my interest in mesoscale features including low-level jets, coastally trapped wind reversals, and coastal lows. I also investigate the synoptic and large scale influences on the lower atmosphere with special attention to the response of the marine atmospheric boundary layer. These topics are explored through observations (including several field campaigns that involved aircraft and radiosonde measurements) in conjunction with numerical simulations.
Selected Publications —
Juliano, T. W., T. R. Parish, D. A. Rahn, and D. Leon. 2017. “An Atmospheric Hydraulic Jump in the Santa Barbara Channel.” Journal Articles. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. 56: 2981–98.
Scaff, Lucia, Jose A. Rutllant, David A. Rahn, Roberto Rondanelli, and Simon Gascoin. 2017. “Meteorological Interpretation of Orographic Precipitation Gradients along an Andes West Slope Basin at 30oS (Elqui Valley, Chile).” Journal Articles. J. Hydrometeor. 18: 713–27.
Rahn, D. A., T. R. Parish, and D. Leon. 2017. “Synthesis of Observations from the Precision Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (PreAMBLE).” Journal Articles. Mon. Wea. Rev. 145: 2325–42.
Parish, Thomas R., David A. Rahn, and David Leon. 2016. “Aircraft Measurements and Numerical Simulations of an Expansion Fan off the California Coast.” Journal Articles. J. Applied Meteor. Clim. 55 (9): 2053–62. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0101.1.
Rahn, David A., and Christopher J. Mitchell. 2016. “Diurnal Climatology of the Boundary Layer in Southern California Using AMDAR Temperature and Wind Profiles.” Journal Articles. J. Applied Meteor. Clim. 55: 1123–37.
Rahn, David A., Thomas R. Parish, and David Leon. 2016. “Observations of Large Wind Shear above the Marine Boundary Layer near Point Buchon, CA.” Journal Articles. J. Atmos. Sci. 73: 3059–77.
Parish, Thomas R., David A. Rahn, and David Leon. 2016. “Research Aircraft Determination of D-Value Cross-Sections.” Journal Articles. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 33: 391–96. https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0173.1.
Rahn, David A., Benjamin Rosenbluth, and Jose A. Rutllant. 2015. “Detecting Subtle Seasonal Transitions in Upwelling in Central Chile.” Journal Articles. Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (March): 854–67.
Parish, Thomas R., David A. Rahn, and David Leon. 2015. “Aircraft Observations and Numerical Simulations of the Developing Stage of a Southerly Surge near Southern California.” Journal Articles. Mon. Wea. Rev. 143: 4883–4903.
Liu, Weibo, Xingong Li, and David A. Rahn. 2015. “Storm Event Representation and Analysis Based on a Directed Spatiotemporal Graph Model.” Journal Articles. Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci., doi:10.1080/13658816.2015.1081910.
Rahn, D. A., and R. D. Garreaud. 2014. “A Synoptic Climatology of the Near-Surface Wind along the West Coast of South America: SURFACE WIND SYNOPTIC CLIMATOLOGY ALONG THE SOUTH AMERICAN WEST COAST.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Climatology 34 (3): 780–92. https://doi.org/10.1002/JOC.3724.
Parish, Thomas R., David A. Rahn, and David Leon. 2014. “Aircraft Observations of the Marine Boundary Layer Adjustment near Point Arguello, CA.” Journal Articles. J. Applied Meteor. Clim. 53: 970–89.
Rahn, David A., Thomas R. Parish, and David Leon. 2014. “Coastal Jet Adjustment near Point Conception, CA with Opposing Wind in the Bight.” Journal Articles. Monthly Weather Review 142: 1344–60.
Rahn, David A., Thomas R. Parish, and David Leon. 2013. “Airborne Measurements of Coastal Jet Transition around Point Conception, CA.” Journal Articles. J. Applied Meteor. Clim. 141: 3827–39.
Parish, T. R., D. A. Rahn, and D. Leon. 2013. “Airborne Observations of a Catalina Eddy. .” Journal Articles. Monthly Weather Review 141: 3300–3313.
Rahn, David A. 2013. “Observations of the Marine Boundary Layer under a Cutoff Low over the Southeast Pacific Ocean.” Journal Articles. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics [01777971] 123 (2-Jan): 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00703-013-0292-2.
Selected Presentations —
Rahn, D. A., Parish, T. R., & Juliano, T. W. (12/31/2017). Deviations of Atmospheric Coastal Flow from the Open-channel Hydraulics Analogy. AGU Fall Meeting, NG13A-02. New Orleans, LA
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Collaborative Research: Lidar and Modeling Applications from the Precision Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (PreAMBLE) Dataset. AGS-1439515. National Science Foundation - Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS). $145728.00. Submitted 3/3/2014 (2/15/2015 - 1/31/2018). Federal. Status: Funded