Mark Burger

- Advisory Board Member
- Aviation Meteorologist, Federal Aviation Administration
- Master of Business Administration, Colorado State University, 2010 Bachelor of Science
- Atmospheric Science, University of Kansas, 1998
Contact Info
Biography —
Mr. Burger is currently employed as a civilian Launch Weather Meteorologist with the U.S. Air Force at Cape Canaveral, Florida. There he serves as a principal liaison to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and other launch customers at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral in the provision of meteorological forecasts, climatology, and administrative matters to spaceflight operations. Additionally, he provides “on console” evaluation and briefings of weather conditions during the launch countdown, including as a “Go/No Go” decision maker during the final count. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Burger was a meteorologist and lead forecaster with the National Weather Service, most recently as a liaison with the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure the safe and efficient flow of air traffic. He also attained certification as a National Weather Service Incident Meteorologist, providing on-site decision support at wildfires across the western United States. Mr. Burger is past President and President-Elect of the Joint Chapter of the Kansas City American Meteorological Society and National Weather Association, and also served as past Chairperson of the University of Kansas’ Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science Alumni Advisory Board. Mr. Burger holds a Master of Business Administration from Colorado State University and a Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric Science, awarded with Departmental Honors and College-level Highest Distinction, from the University of Kansas.