Xingong Li

- Professor
- Director of Undergraduate Studies
Contact Info
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Malott Hall #4029
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Biography —
Dr. Li teaches spatial analysis, spatial computer programming, and geospatial technology in water resources. His research focuses on geospatial technology and methods for mapping and analyzing surface water and generic spatiotemporal data analysis methods.
Research —
My current research focuses on the development and application of geospatial technology, methods and tools for the mapping and analysis of surface water dynamics. In addition, I'm also interested in developing generic spatiotemporal data analysis methods and frameworks.
Research interests:
- Surface Water Mapping and Analysis
- Terrain Analysis
- Generic Spatiotemporal Analysis Methods
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Spatial Analysis
- Spatial Programming
- Geospatial Technology for Water Resources
Selected Publications —
Zhang, Shuhua, Xingong Li, JiangfenJ ShS, and X. Peng. 2019. “Assimilating Remote Sensing Data into GIS-Based All Sky Solar Radiation Modeling for Mountain Terrain.” Journal Articles. Remote Sensing of Environment.
Yang, Min, X. Yan, X. Zhang, and Xingong Li. 2019. “Constrained Trajectory Simplification with Speed Preservation.” Journal Articles. Cartography and Geographic Information Science.
Zhang, Shuhua, Xingong Li, and Jiangfeng She. 2019. “Error Assessment of Grid-Based Terrain Shading Algorithms for Solar Radiation Modeling over Complex Terrain.” Journal Articles. Transactions in GIS.
Weekley, David, and Xingong Li. 2019. “Tracking Multi-Decadal Lake Water Dynamics with Landsat Imagery and Topography/Bathymetry.” Journal Articles. Water Resources Research.
Cai, Y., C. Ke, Xingong Li, G. Zhang, Z. Duan, and H. Lee. 2019. “Variations of Lake Ice Phenology on the Tibetan Plateau From 2001 to 2017 Based on MODIS Data.” Journal Articles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (2).
Grady, CJ, and Xingong Li. 2018. “A Distributed Approach for Calculating Inundation Height Based on Dijkstra’s Algorithm.” Journal Articles. Transactions in GIS.
Coll, Jim, and Xingong Li. 2018. “Comprehensive Accuracy Assessment of MODIS Daily Snow Cover Products and Gap Filling Methods.” Journal Articles. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
She, J., Y. Zhou, X. Tan, X. Li, and X. Guo. 2017. “A Parallelized Screen-Based Method for Rendering Polylines and Polygons on Terrain Surfaces.” Journal Articles. Computers & Geosciences 99: 19–27.
Li, H., X. Li, and P. Xiao. 2016. “Impact of Sensor Zenith Angle on MOD10A1 Data and Modification for Snow Cover in Tarim River Basin.” Journal Articles. Remote Sensing.
Liu, W., and X. Li. 2016. “Life Cycle Characteristics of Warm-Season Severe Thunderstorms in Central United States from 2010 to 2014.” Journal Articles. Climate 4 (3).
She, J., and X. Li. 2016. “Map Algebra Based Analysis for Directed Flow Networks.” Journal Articles. Transactions in GIS.
Liu, W., K. Purdon, T. Stafford, J. Paden, and X. Li. 2016. “Open Polar Server (OPS) – An Open Source Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Cryosphere Community.” Journal Articles. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.
Sun, C., X. Li, Y. Chen, W. Li, R. Stotler, and Y Zhang. 2016. “Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Stable Isotope in the Tarim River Basin.” Journal Articles. Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies.
Liu, W., X. Li, and D. A. Rahn. 2016. “Storm Event Representation and Analysis Based on a Directed Spatialtemporal Graph Model.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Sheng, B., and X. Li. 2015. “Accuracy Assessment of TRMM3B43 Data in Tarim River Basin.” Journal Articles. Arid Land Geography 38 (4): 703–12.
Fan, Y., Y. Chen, X. Li, W. Li, and Q. Li. 2015. “Characteristics of Water Isotopes and Ice-Snowmelt Quantification in the Tizinafu River, North Kunlun Mountains, Central Asia.” Journal Articles. Quaternary International.
Zhang, S., X. Li, and Y. Chen. 2015. “Error Assessment of Grid-Based Direct Solar Radiation Models.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Sun, C., W. Li, Y. Chen, X. Li, and Y. Yang. 2015. “Isotopic and Hydrochemical Composition of Runoff in the Urumqi River, Tianshan Mountains, China.” Journal Articles. Environment Earth Sciences.
Peterson, T.A., and X. Li. 2015. “Niche-Based Projections of Wetlands Shifts with Marine Intrusion from Sea Level Rise: An Example Analysis for North Carolina.” Journal Articles. Environmental Earth Sciences, 10.1007/s12665-014-3498–99.
She, J., Y. Zhang, X. Li, and X. Feng. 2015. “Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Snow Cover in the Tizinafu Watershed of Western Kunlun Mountains.” Journal Articles. Remote Sensing.
Wu, S., S. Zhou, D. Chen, Z. Wei, L. Dai, and X. Li. 2014. “Determining the Contributions of Urbanisation and Climate Change to NPP Variations over the Last Decade in the Yangtze River Delta, China.” Journal Articles. Science of the Total Environment 472 (2): 397–406.
She, J., Y Zhang, X. Li, and Y. Chen. 2014. “Changes of Snow and Glacier Cover in an Arid Watershed of Western Kunlun Mountains Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (1): 234–51.
Li, Xingong, and CJ Grady. 2014. “Delineating Sea Level Rise Inundation Using a Graph Traversal Algorithm.” Journal Articles. Marine Geodesy 37 (2): 10.1080/01490419.2014.902884.
Islam, M.Z., S. Menon, X. Li, and A.T. Peterson. 2013. “Forecasting Ecological Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Conservation Areas in India.” Journal Articles. Journal of Threatened Taxa 5 (9): 10.11609/JoTT.o3163.4349-58.
Gali, R. K., K. R. Douglas-Mankin, X. Li, and T. Xu. 2012. “Assess NEXRAD P3 Data Effects Using SWAT Model in an Agricultural Watershed.” Journal Articles. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 17: 1245–54.
Wu, S., S. Zhou, and X. Li. 2011. “Determining the Anthropogenic Contribution of Heavy Metal Accumulations around a Typical Industrial Town: Xushe, China.” Journal Articles. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 110 (2): 92–97.
Chao, LENG, CHEN YaNing, LI XinGong, and SUN YanXia. 2011. “Evaluation of Oasis Stability in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River.” Journal Articles. 干旱区科学 3 (2): 123--131.
Leng, C., Y. Chen, X. Li, and Y. Sun. 2011. “Evaluation of Oasis Stability in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River.” Journal Articles. Journal of Arid Land 3 (2): 123–31.
Fan, Y., Y. Chen, W. Li, H. Wang, and X. Li. 2011. “Impacts of Temperature and Precipitation on Runoff in the Tarim River during the Past 50 Years.” Journal Articles. Journal of Arid Land 3 (3): 220–30.
Li, Q., Y. Chen, Y. Shen, and X. Li. 2011. “Spatial and Temporal Trends of Climate Change in Xinjiang, China.” Journal Articles. Journal of Geographical Sciences 21 (6): 1007–18.