Yoonjung Ahn

- Assistant Professor
- Geography
Contact Info
Malott Hall #4019N
Personal Links
Biography —
Yoonjung Ahn has extensive experience in multi-disciplinary quantitative research, spanning both her educational journey and professional career. She joined the Department of Geography & Atmospheric Science at the University of Kansas in 2023, where she adeptly utilizes spatial modeling, spatial analysis, spatial statistics, and big data methodologies to investigate the disproportional impact of environmental hazards.
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- GEOG 316 Methods of Analysing Geographical Data
- GEOG358 Principles of GIS
- GEOG571 Health and Medical Geography
Selected Publications —
Ahn, Y., Tuholske, C., Parks, R. (2024). Comparing Approximated Heat Stress Measures Across the United States. GeoHealth - Issue 1 | Volume 8. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GH000923.
Ahn, Y., Uejio, C., Wong, S., Powell, E., Holmes, T. (2023). Spatial disparities in air conditioning ownership in Florida, United States. Journal of Maps - Issue 1 | Volume 19. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2023.2253262.
Ahn, Y., Uejio, C., Rennie, J., Schmit, L. (2022). Verifying Experimental Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Hindcasts Across the United States. GeoHealth - Issue 4 | Volume 6. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GH000527.