Yoonjung Ahn

Young woman with dark hair wears a lilac colored shirt in front of a light blue background.
  • Assistant Professor

Contact Info

Malott Hall #4019N


<div class="">Yoonjung Ahn has diverse experience in multi-disciplinary quantitative research throughout her career and education. She is currently a Postdoctoral Associate at the Institute of Behavior Science (IBS) at the University of Colorado, utilizing spatial modeling, spatial analysis, spatial statistics, and big data to analyze the impact of environmental risks. During her Ph.D., her research focused on extreme heat prevention measures for indoor and outdoor environments. Prior to her Ph.D., Yoonjung worked at the Korea Environment Institute and participated in projects related to environmental policy. Yoonjung hopes to contribute to society and communities with her knowledge and experience. Therefore, she participated in mentoring programs such as Undergraduate Research Opportunity and served as a student chair of the Korean-American Association for Geospatial and Environmental Science (KAGES) and Graduate Researchers of Geography. She is currently serving as a broad member of the Health and Medical Geography specialty group at the American Association of Geographers.</div>